You made some photos, but can find their location in Kena: Bridge of Spirits? Then check this out!

Kena: Bridge of Spirits is an action-adventure video game from the year 2021 that was made by Ember Lab and released by the company. In the story, Kena is a young spirit guide who uses her magic to help the dead move from the physical world to the spirit world.

In this guide, we will be showing you how to find the Photo Mode Save Location. Let’s get started.

Photo Mode Save Location – Kena: Bridge of Spirits

Kena: Bridge of Spirits is a new game that will allow you to take screenshots while playing it. It is a simply very beautiful game to play inside and to adventure in. You will be seeing very stunning sceneries which you will want to remember for a while, or possibly use as a wallpaper in the future.

While doing so though, you will notice that the photo mode save location can be hard to trace and locate. That is why here we will be giving you the folders of where you are able to find it:

  • Steam – SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\KenaBridgeOfSpirits\Kena\Pictures)
  • Epic Games – D:\Epic Games\games\KenaBridgeOfSpirits\Kena\Pictures

Just keep on checking these folders for your photos and you will find out that they are here and waiting for you.

Sometimes though you will experience and issue. You can take a screenshot and then you won’t see the picture in these folders. The main problem is that it takes a while to load and transfer them there.

So if this is happening to you, just give it a moment or two, maybe even restart your PC, and then give it a try.

That’s everything you need to know about the Photo Mode Save Locations in Kena: Bridge of Spirits. We hope that this guide was useful and helped you find those amazing photos you took. Have fun!

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